Artifact and Rationale:
The artifact that I will be reflecting on is a database of tree phenology data that was created by the students of BS162 in the Fall of 2017. The students had to work in groups to collect phenology data about trees on the MSU campus for the entire semester. In groups of 4, students had to click a picture and upload it along with phenological data using a web-form. This activity leveraged some of the best practices in teaching and learning.
In hindsight though, we could have put in some additional procedures to make sure that it was more inclusive. While designing the web-form, we made sure that it would store multiple entries and upload them only when connected to wi-fi. This was done to ensure that students did not have to pay for data usage to complete their assignments. However, we took it for granted that if not all the group members, then at least one would have a smart phone or a digital camera. We did not think of the social pressure that someone who did not have access to these devices would face. If we were to do it again, it would be nice if we could offer devices that students could 'check-out' for an hour or so, and return when the activity was complete. Additionally, access to technology is something we can ask about on the initial survey that students have to take. Based on the responses we can then take steps to ensure that the activity is fair and equitable. |
Images clicked by students of BS162 FS17